Monday, March 26, 2007

Side effects of a good shag...

I saw this article today on Yahoo news:


GALVESTON, Texas - A man who fell about 50 feet from a cruise ship was released from the ship's medical center Monday, and a woman who also fell plans to have follow-up testing on land, the cruise line said.

The 22-year-old man and 20-year-old woman had only minor injuries after falling into the Gulf of Mexico from a balcony on the Grand Princess ship, said Julie Benson, a spokeswoman for Princess Cruises. They have asked that the circumstances remain private and requested that no personal information be released.

The man planned to continue on the cruise, while the woman planned to disembark Monday in Mexico, Benson said. The rescued passengers were not married, Benson said. She did not know how long they had known each other.

The Grand Princess was about 150 miles off Galveston when friends notified the crew early Sunday that the two had fallen, Benson said.

The captain turned the ship around, and the crew used high-powered spotlights to scan the water and launched rescue boats to find them.

"Just falling 50 feet, you can do some serious damage and basically knock the wind out of you," said Coast Guard swimmer Micah Franklin, who participated in the four-hour rescue. "If you survive that part, then you've got, depending on your swimming ability, how long are you going to be able to survive in the seas."

The waves were swelling up to 6 feet, and the wind was gusting to 30 mph, Franklin told NBC's "Today" show Monday. He said he was impressed that the two survived.

The railing around the cabin balcony is at least 4 feet high and meets all standard safety requirements, she said.

The ship was on its way to Costa Maya, Mexico, Benson said. The Grand Princess was carrying 2,783 passengers on a seven-day tour of the western Caribbean.

Anyone care to speculate how both feel off a balcony, when the ship didn't list and the railing was intact and BOTH parties fell AND now they don't want to talk about the circumstances that led them to leave the cruise ship in the most unconventional manner?

I have MY theories....

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Gets Me The Most

Yes yes yes, I know it's been too long. Things have gotten nuts. I won't bore you with the details/excuses. But I do have lots to blog about.... oh yes.... but in the meantime... somethingt that struck me tonight.

Some single people have problems eating dinner at a restaurant alone. Not me. I've done it hundreds of times. I don't even have to have a book with me to make it look like it's a choice to look as pitiful as I might. I sit there, drink a lovely glass of wine (or maybe a martini if I'm feeling saucy) and enjoy my own company. You know, I am quite fun to be with, so it's nice to take myself on a date every now and then.

I also don't have any problem going to the movies by myself. When time allows, I might actually go solo to a flick once a week. Single shopping also doesn't bother me. I prefer it, actually. In fact, there are few activities that, done as a single, embarrass or depress me.

There is one, however.

Going to see concerts.

In Nashville, on any given night, there is an amazing musician playing somewhere. I'm quite in love with the local independent radio station, Lightening 100, and the artists that get played on their airwaves make their way through Nashville a lot. There is a chance, at least once a week, that for less than $20 I can go see a fantastic indie band/artist play. This is why I love Nashville.

But music is my passion. And all I want to do is share my passions with someone special.

Tonight, I went and saw James Hunter ( A.Maz.Ing. And his opening act was Serena Ryder, who was also equally amazing in her own right. And the whole time I was so sad because I didn't have anyone there to share it with. I wanted someone that I could turn to and say "Can you believe you just heard that!?"

I put out three invites today. Sorta. My first choice was John Galt. I knew he'd love it, but he had been feeling under the weather (both physically and emotionally) this morning, and throughout the day, pooped out about going. Next choice was DB, but he was comfortably settled in his house, after a long vacation out of the country. Rover was the last choice (story to follow soon why he has fallen out of favor... once again...) but he is just a plain asshole, so he was out.

By myself I went.

Unfortunately for me and my lonely self, James plays dancing music. Not dancing music that you hear on Top 40 stations today... think Sam Cooke. That kind of dancing music. Music that covertly tells the other person you want to make love to them... not like the trash you hear on the radio today.

"Old Soul" music. All I wanted to do was dance.

I know it sounds oh-so-pitiful, but concerts, to me, are the worst to be alone at. In the words of one of those damned Disney princesses my neices love so much: "Some day my prince will come....."

Oy... that thought just made me throw up a little in my mouth. Forgive me for that pitiful sentimentality :-)

Must go before I turn into a cheesy hallmark card.