Monday, April 2, 2007


There is so much more to the John Galt/Grace Romance that I haven’t been able to share with you (cause I’m paralyzed by an awful laziness that prevents me from typing more than thirty words at a time).

John and I are two peas in pod. Cut from the same cloth. Share a brain. You pick the cliché to describe our incredible connection.

Seldom a day goes by without a phone call or instant message between us. There are periods of time when John will stop calling me, and I now know (from a drunken admission from him) that it’s because he’s scared of his feelings for me and our chemistry, so he runs from it. But I always call him on it and he comes back.

I’m trying to describe my connection to him without getting too precious or sentimental… I know if someone were telling ME this kind of thing, I would have vomited by now.

John and I can’t have a two-minute conversation. They always turn into two-hour (or two day!) conversations, and time passes so easily between us.

A few weeks ago, John met a woman out for cocktails after work—he didn’t realize that she had meant it to be a date, he thought it was a work-thing, but they met at a new condo high-rise in downtown Nashville where she is a realtor. She was giving him a tour of all the different condos and what was he doing? Sending me picture messages of all the glorious views because he knew I shared his appreciate for urban landscapes and architecture. He called me later that night, saying they were at Past Perfect, a bar downtown where my roommate (Tisa—she finally moved here!) works and he said I should come down and meet up with them. Actually he begged me to. It was the same night that Rover had broken plans with me (which is why I called him an asshole in that “concert post” I wrote a few weeks back) and I was feeling really down in the dumps, so I took John up on it.

When I walked into Past Perfect, I quickly spotted John and his “date” (now known as The Freak) sitting at the bar. John pulled a chair between the two of them for me to sit in. If The Freak was thinking that it was a date, it suddenly took a wrong turn. Who has another woman join you on a date?? ☺ lol….

From that moment, The Freak was invisible to John. He and I were suddenly the stars of the show. She suddenly found herself on a Fantastic Date. It just wasn’t HER date.

John and I decided that Past Perfect wasn’t hitting the spot and the only thing we needed at that moment was a little Karaoke. The Freak thought that was an awful idea…. Too bad she didn’t have much say about it. We headed a block over to Wannabe’s and got our sing on.

When we walked in, John realized the gaggle of guys hanging by the bar was a troop of 101st Airborne soldiers on leave from Ft. Campbell. John’s employer is pretty lenient about expense accounts, especially if there are soldiers involved, so John declared that “They’re tab is on me!” We quickly became the most popular couple among the boys from Ft. Campbell.

As the night worn on, the tequila was flowing generously and John had sung more than one Neil Diamond song, he became more and more affectionate with me. He made his grandest sign of affection when he announced quite loudly to the bar that I was “the girl he was going to marry!” He spun me around, dipped me, and kissed me a la WWII homecoming in Times Square.

I just wish the bastard wasn’t technically married.

(remember, I say technically, because the divorce hasn’t been finalized yet).

See, he and I just click. We’ve solved the crisis of the music business at least half a dozen times (but never quite implemented our plan of action), we have written a thousand songs together (yet never wrote a single one down) and we just make each other laugh constantly.

The problem I’ve been having with Rover and John is that I have feelings for both of them. I’ve just been hoping that one or the other would break out in the lead—they’ve been neck and neck for so long. Rover always had the advantage because he was married in the eyes of the law, but John and I just have…. Incredible chemistry. But I always knew that either one of them would make me happy in one way or another.

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