Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Who is John Galt? Part 1

I feel that it's time to bring John Galt out for his moment in the spotlight. I've told you a tiny bit about him, but there is more to him (and us) than I could ever find the words for.

I've known John for years, since I started slinging drinks at the Brouhaha, but I've always known him in the context of Mr. & Mrs. Galt. He and his wife would come in with his boss and his boss' wife, who turn out to be Crazy and Crazy Hubby! See... what'd I tell ya? Nashville is an uber small town...

John always remained a distant acquaintance until one day Momma ad I were at the neighborhood bar. I looked over at the other side of the square shaped bar and a handsome, familiar gentleman waved at me. John Galt. He came over and started talking to us.

And what was my smooth opening line? "Where's that beautiful wife of yours?"

She is gorgeous, by the way. Nutty, but gorgeous. Ok... really nutty. But I digress...

He pointed to his bare ring finger and explained it with one word. Divorced. Or, as he clarified later, in the process of...

He and I quickly got lost in conversation, jumping subjects from the music industry (he does the job I aspire to), literature (I urged him to read Ayn Rand's "The Fountainhead") and our shared frustrations over the names our parents gave us. The banter between us was amazing. Momma realized that I was prowling and call it a night. John and I continued to talk, hardly taking a breath. He has mastered the Art of Conversation.

Somehow, in the frenzy of words and thoughts flying between us, I had the sense to realize that I needed to head home. He walked me to my car and kissed me. Not just a regular kiss. An amazing kiss. I returned the sentiment and really, I didn't want to stop kissing him.

Then the clouds let loose.

From the heavens came a monsoon like never before. He pulled away to ask if I wanted to get out of the rain. But all I wanted to do was kiss him, right there, in the rain. I pulled him back to me and continued. Something was telling me not to let go.

It felt like hours (but in reality was probably only twenty minutes) and we just kissed, soaked to the bone from the rain. We stood there laughing as the beads of water dropped off our noses and eyelashes and chins. And we kissed and held each other. The scene couldn't have been written any better in a movie. Magical.

The next day, he sent me an email telling me he hadn't had an experience like that and it was one of the most memorable moments of his life. From that moment, we knew there was something incredibly special between us. Since then, there wasn't a day that didn't pass without a flurry of text messages, instant messages and hours long phone calls. It started off as simply magical....

1 comment:

Lynnster said...

Saw your addition to the NiT blogroll yesterday afternoon and so dropped by and caught up reading everything to date. This has all been fascinating, look forward to reading more...